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Maree Cutler Naroba’s Book ‘Arise’ is now available for purchase.
Deborah of the bible was an incredible woman of God; she was a Kingdom Pioneer who boldly took hold of her God-given gifts and talents and stepped out in faith. She knew that in her God anything was possible. This book is a clarion call for modern-day Mighty Deborah Christian Women Entrepreneurs to take action and pioneer globally, with prophetic purpose, planning and prayer, the business ventures God has placed in their hearts.
Are you struggling to confidently and boldly turn your God-breathed business dreams and desires into reality? Are you unsure of the practical steps required to start, grow and develop a faith-filled business venture? In this book, you will learn keys from Deborah’s life to activate your entrepreneurial journey, along with how to implement the practical 5+U Pillars of Business Model to bring fresh momentum to your ventures.
It’s time to ARISE!

The Prophetic Writing Intensive
To write prophetically means to be writing out of the HEART and MIND of GOD. A few years back God gave me a dream in which I saw the most incredible library. I am a lover of books, so you can imagine I walked around the shelves of the library in much anticipation, excitement and awe.
I stopped at various times as I walked around this library; one set of shelves had sets (plural!) of books that I saw had my name down the spine (I was like wow!), other shelves I saw sets (plural!) of books of whom the authors were friends and acquaintances I knew (again I was like wow!).
I stopped to open some of the books; from some fell a cascade of musical notes, from some fell an amazing collection of words that were like dancing before my eyes, from some leapt big bold statements that I saw were going to impact governments, policy and legislation, and so it went on. WOW WOW WOW! Words of healing, of breakthrough, of authority, of innovation, of solutions, of directions, of plans WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.
When I woke up from this dream this is what I reflected on in my journal: GOD NEEDS HIS WRITERS TO WRITE! God has much He wants to download to His people in this hour.
WORDS, WORDS, WORDS; words of songs, poems, speeches, legisation, policy, books (fiction and non-fiction), blogging, social media posts, equations, guides, devotionals, journals, manuals , research papers, scripts for plays/films/documentaries and so on. I felt God speak to me ‘Maree MY WRITERS NEED TO WRITE.’
So in a nutshell the heart of the PROPHETIC WRITING INTENSIVE is to strengthen and encourage the WRITERS of the LORD. No matter what particular format/s you write in or have a growing desire from the Lord to write in; this intensive is for you!
A day set aside for you to come and grow as a Prophetic Writer, including learning about editing and publication processes. and to participate in PROPHETIC WRITING sessions. Sessions to activate you in WRITING out of the HEART and MIND of God.
Come join this womens-only event: GOD NEEDS HIS WRITERS TO WRITE

Next Event Coming soon
The Deborah Conference
The Deborah Conference is a global boutique conference founded in 2016 by Maree Cutler-Naroba Dream Nurturer, Business Strategist, Writer and Child Protection Advocate to inspire Christian Women Entrepreneurs to live a business life of passionate pursuit and purpose wrapped in His presence.
Join us in New Zealand for our first International Conference in 2024!
The Deborah Conference mission is to raise up a Global Generation of Mighty Deborahs, awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of History via Christ-Centered Business Education.

Friday 9th August to Sunday 11th August, 2024
Taupo, NZ
Visit www.thedeborahconference.com/nz-2024 to learn more.
Katunda PAOG Uganda Projects
In was first in 2020, the Katanda PAOG and the Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation invited the Women ECHO Him Collective to run a Deborah Conference for its women and a program for its children.
Each year the women attend the Deborah Microbusiness Foundations Forum where they learn about the 5+U Pillars of Business Built on a Firm Foundation of Christ; business principles that are important in starting and growing faith-filled microbusinesses. The women also explore the life of Deborah through Bible devotion time.
For more information on the Katunda PAOG DWIB Collective Chapter click here.
For more information about BLCDF click here.
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If you would like to support the Uganda Projects through your prayers and giving we would so appreciate that. If you would like to be part of a team going to Uganda, feel free to message me and I can provide some further details. If you are able to make a donation please use paypal (mcnaroba@gmail.com) and use the reference of ‘UgandaDWIB’ or ‘UgandaBLCDF’.

Maree Cutler Naroba
E: mcnaroba@gmail.com
M: +61 4 8807 7034